Exploring vernacular reorganisation with pre-schoolers’ short front vowels

Joshua Wilson Black, Lynn Clark, Margaret Blackwood, Robert Fromont



  1. Background and Research Questions
  2. Data
  3. Data wrangling ‘highlights’
  4. Models
  5. Discussion

The Team

Joshua Wilson Black (Postdoc)

Lynn Clark (PI)

Maggie Blackwood (RA)

Robert Fromont (Software)

Gail Gillon (AI)

Brigid McNeill (AI)

Amy Scott (AI)

Grant: 20-UOC-064


Vernacular reorganisation

[…] we necessarily begin with the phonetics, phonology, morphology, and syntax that we acquired from our first caretaker, normally female. The general condition for linguistic change can then be stated in a very simple way: children must learn to talk differently from their mothers. Let us refer to this process as vernacular re-organization. (Labov 2001, 415)

We investigate the onset of vernacular reorganisation.

Vernacular reorganisation

  1. Transmission: Acquire caregiver’s vernacular.

  2. Incrementation: Advance linguistic changes already underway in the community.

Trigger: shift from caregiver-dominated norms to peer-dominated norms around 4-5 and typically taken to be beginning of schooling.


Research Questions

  1. Is there evidence of vernacular reorganisation in the speech of preschool aged children?
  2. Are all changing accent features advanced at the same time and at the same rate during incrementation?


  • We focus on the ‘extended’ short front vowel shift (SFVS): dress, trap, kit, nurse, and fleece. using a corpus of preschooler speech derived from a story retell task and a community corpus (QuakeBox).
  • A mixed bag of changes found, some consistent with change in community, some not.
  • Preschoolers’ production may be influenced by story telling style.
  • This can’t be pulled apart from vernacular reorganisation using our data, but should be taken account of in future work on vernacular reorganisation.
  • Looking at multiple variables is vital.


Story Retell

  • Source: the UC Child Well-Being Research Institute’s Better Start Literacy Approach | Te Ara Reo Matatini.

  • Children were presented with a story and asked to retell it in their own words.

  • Two stories were used: Hana and the Tui and Tama and the Playground (Gillon, McNeill, and Scott 2019).

  • Both stories were written by the CWRI to match the NZ cultural context and contain a wide variety of literacy-relevant linguistic features (Gillon et al. 2023; Scott et al. 2022).



Preschooler corpus

  • 18 centres
  • 141 children
  • F: 76, M: 65
  • 63 with two recordings
  • 21 with three recordings
  • 2 with four recordings

Preschooler corpus

  • 100 NZ European
  • 19 Māori
  • 5 Pasifika
  • 14 Asian
  • 4 Other
  • Age at recording: 3;10 - 5;5
  • Median age: 4;6

Preschooler corpus

  • dress: 839 (F1), 834 (F2)
  • fleece: 730 (F1), 723 (F2)
  • kit: 1129 (F1), 1111 (F2)
  • nurse 388 (F1), 389 (F2)
  • trap 771 (F1), 760 (F2)



  • Story retells were passed through Otter.ai for automatic transcription and then corrected by the CWRI team.
  • Problems:
    • No reliable timestamps(!!!)
    • SALT conventions not best for forced alignment
  • Recordings were often in noisy environments, e.g.:

Utterance correction

Manually corrected utterances in Transcriber
  • We manually corrected timestamps at the utterance level
  • Utterances were modified to avoid major sources of noise.
  • Transcripts and audio were then uploaded to LaBB-CAT (Fromont and Hay 2008).

Standard forced alignment settings failed.

Solution: Manual phonemic correction in Praat.

(Thanks Maggie!)

For this story, see: (Fromont 2023)

Standard formant tracking settings failed.

Formant tracking

  • Young children have very high frequency formants. This causes problems in addition to noise etc (see, e.g.: Valentine et al. 2023).
  • We use FastTrack (Barreda 2021)
  • The FastTrack process:
    1. Formants are fit in Praat using a series of upper-limit values,
    2. Smooths (really, quadratic models) are fit through each formant track,
    3. Smoother analyses are favoured over wiggly ones,
    4. Heuristics are applied.
  • Settings were fine tuned for each vowel type.




  • We filter:
    • Tokens with insufficient data for FastTrack,
    • Hesitations,
    • Tokens without words,
    • Formants with very high bandwidths,
    • F1 > 1500hz,
    • Tokens preceeding liquids,
    • Tokens from ‘Hana’,
    • Tokens ± 2 s.d. within 3 month age bins.
  • We track:
    • Stopwords,
    • Stresss


General Approach

  1. We don’t have all the data we need to directly test core hypotheses
    • …so we go exploratory.
  2. We want to discern an onset in sound change
    • …so we use GAMMs.
  3. Data is sparse and model convergence difficult
    • …so we adopt a Bayesian approach
  • Bayesian approach increases the complexity of specifying models, but massively increases our flexibility in terms of model fit and examining the resulting models.
  • We use the brms package (Bürkner 2017).

Model structure

For each vowel’s F1 and F2 we fit the following model:

formant_value ~ gender + stopword + s(age_s, by=gender, k = 4) + (1|word/unstressed) + (1|participant/collect)

Response: skew-normal.

Similar models fit to QuakeBox.



Results summary

  • Is there evidence of vernacular reorganisation in the speech of pre-school aged children?
    • Both stability (nurse, trap) and change (fleece, dress, kit).
    • No ‘elbow’ in the smooths indicate rapid acceleration of change. fleece goes in the wrong direction.
    • Difficult to interpret these straightforwardly as vernacular reorganisation.
  • Are all changing accent features advanced at the same time and at the same rate during incrementation?
    • Not all features are changing.
    • Some are changing faster than others.
    • Some are changing differently for males and females.



  • Greater variation in kids than community.
  • Donegan (2012): this is unsurprising.
    • But: children achieve ‘quite acceptable vowel quality’ before 3.
  • This is consistent with wider literature (e.g. Vorperian and Kent 2007).
  • No clear developmental reason for these shifts.

Older caregivers?

  • The kids look conservative!
  • Are they recapitulating the SFVS?
  • But:
    • What about fleece?
    • Otherwise, they look archaic!
  • What about hyperarticulation?

CDS/Story-book speech

  • Triangles connect fleece, trap, and nurse.
  • Red indicates the preschoolers (4;2).
  • Blue indicates the recorded storyteller.
  • Black indicates QuakeBox ‘caregivers’.
  • Priming or style shifting?


  • We’ve found sound change before kids start school.
  • No ‘elbow’, or point at which incrementation begins.
  • Some changes, e.g. dress raising look like vernacular reorganisation.
  • But fleece looks entirely different.
  • Possible influence of CDS/Story-book speech.
  • Focus on multiple variables at once is vital for this kind of project.



  1. Vernacular reorganisation
  2. Our data
    • Preschooler corpus + QuakeBox
  3. Data wrangling challenges
    • Transcription, forced alignment, formant tracking, normalisation.
  4. Modelling strategy
    • Bayesian GAMMs
  5. Results and Interpretation


Barreda, Santiago. 2021. “Fast Track: Fast (Nearly) Automatic Formant-Tracking Using Praat.” Linguistics Vanguard 7 (1). https://doi.org/10.1515/lingvan-2020-0051.
Bürkner, Paul-Christian. 2017. brms: An R Package for Bayesian Multilevel Models Using Stan.” Journal of Statistical Software 80 (1). https://doi.org/10.18637/jss.v080.i01.
Donegan, Patricia. 2012. “Normal Vowel Development.” In Handbook of Vowels and Vowel Disorders. Taylor & Francis.
Fromont, Robert. 2023. “Maximizing Accuracy of Forced Alignment for Spontaneous Child Speech.” Language Development Research, September. https://doi.org/10.34842/shrr-sv10.
Fromont, Robert, and Jennifer Hay. 2008. ONZE Miner: The Development of a Browser-Based Research Tool.” Corpora 3 (2): 173–93. https://doi.org/10.3366/e1749503208000142.
Gillon, Gail, Brigid McNeill, and Amy Scott. 2019. Tama and the Playground. University of Canterbury Child Wellbeing Research Institute.
Gillon, Gail, Brigid McNeill, Amy Scott, Megan Gath, and Marleen Westerveld. 2023. “Retelling Stories: The Validity of an Online Oral Narrative Task.” Child Language Teaching and Therapy, 02656590231155861.
Labov, William. 2001. Principles of Linguistic Change: Social Factors. Wiley-Blackwell.
Scott, Amy, Gail Gillon, Brigid McNeill, and Alex Kopach. 2022. “The Evolution of an Innovative Online Task to Monitor Childrens Oral Narrative Development.” Frontiers in Psychology 13 (July). https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.903124.
Valentine, Hannah, Joel MacAuslan, Maria Grigos, and Marisha Speights. 2023. “Comparing Tools for Automation of Formant Estimation in Diverse Pediatric Populations.” The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 153 (3_supplement): A212–12. https://doi.org/10.1121/10.0018687.
Vorperian, Houri K., and Ray D. Kent. 2007. “Vowel Acoustic Space Development in Children: A Synthesis of Acoustic and Anatomic Data.” Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. https://doi.org/10.1044/1092-4388(2007/104).

Extra: Formant tracking settings

Upper limits:

  • Front vowels get 6000-9000 Hz.

  • Back vowels get 5000-8000 Hz.

  • Other vowels get 5500-8500 Hz

  • ‘Front vowels’ (NZE) = fleece, dress, nurse, goose, trap, kit

  • ‘Back vowels’ = lot, thought, foot

  • ‘Others’ = strut, start

By-vowel limits:

  • FLEECE: f2 > 1500,
  • DRESS: f2 > 1500,
  • GOOSE: f2 > 1000,
  • NURSE: f2 > 1200,
  • THOUGHT: f2 < 2250,
  • LOT: f2 < 2500
  • FOOT: f2 > 900
  • KIT: f2 > 1250

Formant bounds:

label f1lower f1upper f2lower f2upper f3lower f3upper START 350 1500 1200 3500 0 5000 THOUGHT 350 1500 1200 2250 0 5000 TRAP 350 1500 1200 3500 0 5000 NURSE 350 1500 1200 3500 0 5000 DRESS 350 1500 1500 4000 0 5000 FLEECE 350 1500 1500 4000 0 5000 KIT 350 1500 1250 3500 0 5000 LOT 350 1500 1200 2500 0 5000 GOOSE 350 1500 1000 3500 0 5000 FOOT 350 1500 900 3500 0 5000 STRUT 350 1500 1200 3500 0 5000

Extra: I want \(p\) values.

  • No. But perhaps you’ll like these:
Model Gender Model Longitudinal
DRESS F1 F 97.6% 60.5%
DRESS F1 M 80.1% 52.9%
FLEECE F1 F 99.6% 57.1%
FLEECE F1 M 78.7% 60.0%
KIT F1 F 98.5% 55.6%
KIT F1 M 83.6% 57.8%
KIT F2 M 99.1% 60.0%