Visualising Vowel Space Change with GAMs

A tidyverse Approach


A tutorial on visualising change in the vowel space of monopthongs using GAMs


Joshua Wilson Black


June 29, 2022


Multiple recent projects at NZILBB have used Generalised Mixed Models (GAMMs) to investigate changes in vowel spaces both across multiples speakers and within single speakers.

In such projects, it is useful to visualise changes to vowel spaces over time with both static plots and animations.

This post sets out a structure for fitting models of the first and second formants of a series of vowels and for visualising them together within vowel space diagrams.

This general structure, and some specific code for visualisation, was originally developed by James Brand for Brand et al. 2021.

I’ll assume the reader knows something about vowels and vowel spaces, the basics of data manipulation with dplyr, and setting up models in R.

The New Zealand Broadcasting Service Mobile Unit (source)

Fitting Multiple Models with purrr and mgcv


We’re going to fit these models with a small subset of the data from the Origins of New Zealand English (ONZE) corpus. This dataset contains first and second formant data for 100 speakers of New Zealand English (for details see supplementaries for Brand et al. 2021). The data can be found here.

For the purposes of this post any similar data set would be fine. We need:

  • first and second formant data,
  • a range of vowels (we’ll only look at monophthongs here),
  • a time variables (whether year of birth, age category, or time through recording), and
  • any variables you wish to control for.

Let’s load the libraries we will use and have a look at the data.

# Load tidyverse and friends.

# mgcv will be used for fitting gamms later and itsadug for visualisation

# kable for displaying the dataset.

vowels <- read_rds('anon_ONZE_mean_sample.rds')

vowels %>%
  head(10) %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(font_size = 11) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%")
Speaker Vowel F1_50 F2_50 Speech_rate Gender yob
CC_f_020 DRESS 622.5797 1897.986 4.9264 F 1936
CC_f_020 FLEECE 518.7458 1882.763 4.9264 F 1936
CC_f_020 GOOSE 524.0606 1944.152 4.9264 F 1936
CC_f_020 KIT 646.8214 1790.054 4.9264 F 1936
CC_f_020 LOT 735.3438 1262.969 4.9264 F 1936
CC_f_020 NURSE 534.8571 1912.714 4.9264 F 1936
CC_f_020 START 888.3929 1604.750 4.9264 F 1936
CC_f_020 STRUT 831.9661 1511.373 4.9264 F 1936
CC_f_020 THOUGHT 594.5000 1051.571 4.9264 F 1936
CC_f_020 TRAP 637.8667 1816.833 4.9264 F 1936

In this dataset each row is a vowel token, with columns:

  • F1_50 and F2_50: F1 and F2, taken at the midpoint measured in Hz,
  • Vowel: Wells lexical set labels for New Zealand English monophthongs,
  • yob: participant year of birth (our time variable),
  • Speech_rate: the average speech rate of the participant across the recording (a control variable),
  • Speaker: a code indicating which speaker the token comes from (sometimes useful as a random effect), and
  • Gender: the gender of the speaker (in this case, an M/F binary).

In any real research project, you will need to engage in a lot of data exploration here. Do you have good data coverage? Is there evidence of outliers in the data? Does the data need to be normalised? This is the time to ask this kind of question. The answers will, of course, depend on your research questions. For this post, the only point of this data is to illustrate a method for modelling and visualising. We can skip these questions!

We will now fit separate models for the F1 and F2 of each vowel. Rather than using a big for loop, or fitting each model with a separate line of code, we will use the purrr method of nesting our data so that we have a row for each of the models we want to fit, fit the models, and then unnest to produce data which can be used to visualise our model. We nest, we mutate, and we unnest. This is a common pattern with purrr.

Before we nest, we need to slightly modify our data. Rather than having a column for our F1 data and a column for our F2 data, we want to capture there in rows. That is, we need our table to be longer. There will then be two rows for each token, one for the F1 and one for the F2.

To do this, we use the trusty dplyr function pivot_longer():

vowels <- vowels %>%
    cols = F1_50:F2_50, # Select the columns to turn into rows.
    names_to = "Formant", # Name the column to indicate if data is F1 or F2,
    values_to = "Frequency"

vowels %>%
  head(10) %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling(font_size = 11) %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%")
Speaker Vowel Speech_rate Gender yob Formant Frequency
CC_f_020 DRESS 4.9264 F 1936 F1_50 622.5797
CC_f_020 DRESS 4.9264 F 1936 F2_50 1897.9855
CC_f_020 FLEECE 4.9264 F 1936 F1_50 518.7458
CC_f_020 FLEECE 4.9264 F 1936 F2_50 1882.7627
CC_f_020 GOOSE 4.9264 F 1936 F1_50 524.0606
CC_f_020 GOOSE 4.9264 F 1936 F2_50 1944.1515
CC_f_020 KIT 4.9264 F 1936 F1_50 646.8214
CC_f_020 KIT 4.9264 F 1936 F2_50 1790.0536
CC_f_020 LOT 4.9264 F 1936 F1_50 735.3438
CC_f_020 LOT 4.9264 F 1936 F2_50 1262.9688

As the table above shows, we now have a column indicating whether a frequency value is an F1 or an F2 reading.


We now nest the data. We do this by grouping the data by the columns which identify the models we want to fit. In this case, we fit an F1 and an F2 model for each vowel. So the columns we need to identify our models are Vowel and Formant. Once we’ve grouped, we simply use the function nest().

vowels <- vowels %>%
  group_by(Vowel, Formant) %>%
# A tibble: 20 × 3
# Groups:   Vowel, Formant [20]
   Vowel   Formant data              
   <fct>   <chr>   <list>            
 1 DRESS   F1_50   <tibble [100 × 5]>
 2 DRESS   F2_50   <tibble [100 × 5]>
 3 FLEECE  F1_50   <tibble [100 × 5]>
 4 FLEECE  F2_50   <tibble [100 × 5]>
 5 GOOSE   F1_50   <tibble [100 × 5]>
 6 GOOSE   F2_50   <tibble [100 × 5]>
 7 KIT     F1_50   <tibble [100 × 5]>
 8 KIT     F2_50   <tibble [100 × 5]>
 9 LOT     F1_50   <tibble [100 × 5]>
10 LOT     F2_50   <tibble [100 × 5]>
11 NURSE   F1_50   <tibble [100 × 5]>
12 NURSE   F2_50   <tibble [100 × 5]>
13 START   F1_50   <tibble [100 × 5]>
14 START   F2_50   <tibble [100 × 5]>
15 STRUT   F1_50   <tibble [100 × 5]>
16 STRUT   F2_50   <tibble [100 × 5]>
17 THOUGHT F1_50   <tibble [100 × 5]>
18 THOUGHT F2_50   <tibble [100 × 5]>
19 TRAP    F1_50   <tibble [100 × 5]>
20 TRAP    F2_50   <tibble [100 × 5]>

The output above shows that we now have a three column data frame (or, in tidyverse speak, a tibble), with the familiar columns Vowel and Formant and a new column data. The column data contains tibbles which live inside our tibble. That is, nested tibbles. These contain the data which we will use to model each vowel and formant separately.

Mutate (and Map)

We can perform actions on the tibbles in the data column by using mutate (just as we would modify other data in a tibble). In this case we will create a column to store our models. The basic structure will look something like this.

vowels <- vowels %>%
    model = #???

The question marks can be filled in with the map() function. This enables us to apply a function to fit a model to each of our nested tibbles.

So, what will this function look like? This is not the place for a tutorial on GAMs (for which, go here). We will fit a model which predicts formant frequency from the gender of each participant, their year of birth, and their average speech rate. One way to implement this structure in mgcv is with the formula Frequency ~ Gender + s(yob, by=Gender) + s(Speech_rate).

This structure will be the same for all of our nested tibbles. The only thing that will change is the data fed in to it. In this kind of case, we can use ~ to turn our model expression into a function and .x as a pronoun for the nested tibbles. Let’s see what this look like and then explain further:

vowels <- vowels %>%
    model = map(
      data, # We are applying a function to the entries of the `data` column.
      # This is the function we are applying (introduced with a ~)
      ~ bam( 
          # Here's our formula.
          Frequency ~ Gender + 
            s(yob, by=Gender, k=5) + 
            s(Speech_rate, k=5),
          data = .x, # Here's our pronoun.
          # Then some arguments to speed up the model fit.
          method = 'fREML',
          discrete = TRUE,
          nthreads = 2

The function bam is one of the main functions for fitting GAMM models in mgcv. It is often used for large data sets. Our use of ~ creates a function which is applied to each of our nested tibbles. The entries in model are created by taking the corresponding tibble in the data column and applying the function to it. The tibble is referred to by the pronoun .x in the function. In the above, .x is used as the data fed to bam(). So, for the row of our tibble with DRESS and F1_50 in the Vowel and Formant columns, the entry for model will be a model produced from the data for dress and F1.

Note that you can use any modelling function you like here. The general strategy of nesting and fitting models doesn’t have any special connections with GAMs or mgcv. You could fit a linear model with lm or a generalised linear model using the lme4 package.

We now have GAMM models for each of these vowels. These are stored in the model column we have just created. We can check out one of these models using the itsadug plot_smooth() function as follows:

  vowels$model[[7]], # Pick the first entry in the model column.
  view = "yob", # The x-axis variable.  
  plot_all = "Gender",
  main= paste(vowels$Vowel[[7]], vowels$Formant[[7]])
    * Gender : factor; set to the value(s): F, M. 
    * yob : numeric predictor; with 30 values ranging from 1864.000000 to 1981.000000. 
    * Speech_rate : numeric predictor; set to the value(s): 4.5118. 
    * NOTE : No random effects in the model to cancel.

Smooth plot for KIT F1

Figure 1 shows a well known feature of the development of New Zealand English: the centralisation of the kit vowel. It also indicates something to keep in mind when fitting non-linear models. The wiggles in the smooth for the female speakers might simply be over fitting our particular sample. Again, this is illustrative of a general pattern, each step of which requires criticism in practice!

For the purpose of visualisation, we want predictions from our model to plot. To do this, we map again. This time, we use the itsadug function get_predictions() instead of the mgcv function bam(), but the underlying idea is the same. The function get_predictions() needs us to tell it what values we want predictions for. In this case, we want predictions for the full range of years of birth in our data set (1864-1981) and for both genders.

The following code stores the values we want predictions for in the to_predict object and then creates a prediction column using mutate() and map():

to_predict <- list(
  "yob" = seq(from=1864, to=1981, by=1), # All years
  "Gender" = c("M", "F")
# BTW: Get prediction will just assume the average value for any predictors not
# mentioned (in this case, Speech_rate).

vowels <- vowels %>%
    prediction = map(
      model, # This time we're applying the function to all the models.
      # We again introduce the function with '~', and indicate where the model 
      # goes with '.x'.
      ~ get_predictions(model = .x, cond = to_predict, print.summary = FALSE)

So what does a tibble of predictions look like?

vowels$prediction[[1]] %>%
  head() %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%")
Gender yob Speech_rate fit CI
M 1864 4.4873 501.5480 27.00804
F 1864 4.4873 570.1079 36.38487
M 1865 4.4873 501.0873 26.68430
F 1865 4.4873 569.3392 35.95156
M 1866 4.4873 500.6266 26.36302
F 1866 4.4873 568.5705 35.51985

As expected, we get a predicted value for each gender in each of the years spanned by the data.


In order to visualise the predictions of our models, we need to unnest this data set. We will do this in a slightly non-standard way, by making a new unnested tibble at this stage rather than modifying our original tibble again. But the same principles apply.

In this case, we need to select our identifying variables (Vowel and Formant) and the column with the data we want access to in a non-nested form (for us, prediction). We unnest as follows:

predictions <- vowels %>%
    Vowel, Formant, prediction
  ) %>%

predictions %>%
  head() %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%")
Vowel Formant Gender yob Speech_rate fit CI
DRESS F1_50 M 1864 4.4873 501.5480 27.00804
DRESS F1_50 F 1864 4.4873 570.1079 36.38487
DRESS F1_50 M 1865 4.4873 501.0873 26.68430
DRESS F1_50 F 1865 4.4873 569.3392 35.95156
DRESS F1_50 M 1866 4.4873 500.6266 26.36302
DRESS F1_50 F 1866 4.4873 568.5705 35.51985

Our tibble now has our predicted values along with the Vowel and Formant information which identifies which model they came from.

Note that we have now thrown away our individual speaker information. This is often the case when visualising models of this sort as we are not interested in predicting the speech of this or that particular speaker in our data set. Rather, we want to say something about NZE speech in general.

We are now in a position to visualise changes in the overall NZE vowel space.

Visualise Model Predictions as a Vowel Space

We first produce a static plot using a standard ggplot approach and then produce an animation using gganimate.

We begin by defining a colour scheme (following Brand et al. 2021, again). These use html colour codes (plenty of explanations are available online).

vowel_colours <- c(
  DRESS = "#9590FF",
  FLEECE = "#D89000",
  GOOSE = "#A3A500",
  KIT = "#39B600",
  LOT = "#00BF7D",
  NURSE = "#00BFC4",
  START = "#00B0F6",
  STRUT = "#F8766D",
  THOUGHT = "#E76BF3",
  TRAP = "#FF62BC"

We also need to reverse our previous use of pivot_longer(). Why? Well vowel spaces have F1 as the y-axis and F2 as the x-axis. This requires F1 and F2 to be distinct columns. To do this, we use pivot_wider(). This is made easier if we remove the columns we will not use for plotting first.

predictions <- predictions %>%
  select( # Remove unneeded variables
  ) %>%
  pivot_wider( # Pivot
    names_from = Formant,
    values_from = fit

predictions %>%
  head() %>%
  kable() %>%
  kable_styling() %>%
  scroll_box(width = "100%")
Vowel Gender yob F1_50 F2_50
DRESS M 1864 501.5480 1657.465
DRESS F 1864 570.1079 1964.213
DRESS M 1865 501.0873 1659.390
DRESS F 1865 569.3392 1966.005
DRESS M 1866 500.6266 1661.316
DRESS F 1866 568.5705 1967.797

Static Plot

The plot we eventually produce is quite complex. Let’s start with depicting the data in two-dimensions using points and only plotting the female speakers.

predictions %>%
    Gender == "F"
  ) %>%
      x = F2_50,
      y = F1_50,
      colour = Vowel
  ) +

This is the wrong way around for a vowel plot. So we reverse the x and y axes.

predictions %>%
    Gender == "F"
  ) %>%
      x = F2_50,
      y = F1_50,
      colour = Vowel
  ) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_x_reverse() +

It’s also unclear which direction these changes are occurring. We need to swap out geom_point() for something directed. In this case, we use geom_path() and arrow().

predictions %>%
    Gender == "F"
  ) %>%
      x = F2_50,
      y = F1_50,
      colour = Vowel
  ) +
  geom_path(arrow = arrow(length = unit(5, "mm"))) +
  scale_x_reverse() +

We can add labels to the start of each arrow and remove the legend. This is found by some to be a more clear vowel plot. To do this, we have to pick out the first observation of each vowel in a new tibble. This prevents us from labelling every point on the line.

first_obs <- predictions %>%
  group_by(Vowel, Gender) %>%

predictions %>%
    Gender == "F"
  ) %>%
      x = F2_50,
      y = F1_50,
      colour = Vowel,
      label = Vowel # Add label to the aesthetics.
  ) +
    arrow = arrow(length = unit(5, "mm")),
    show.legend = FALSE # Remove legend
  ) +
    # Note filtering as we are only dealing with female speakers now.
    data = first_obs %>% filter(Gender == "F"), 
    show.legend = FALSE # Again remove legend.
  ) +
  # Often need to use 'expansion' here to fit in 'THOUGHT'
  scale_x_reverse(expand = expansion(add = 100)) + 

We can use the faceting functions to plot both male and female data. We use the facet_grid() function. NB: this requires us to remove the filter() functions from the above.

predictions %>%
      x = F2_50,
      y = F1_50,
      colour = Vowel,
      label = Vowel
  ) +
    arrow = arrow(length = unit(5, "mm")),
    show.legend = FALSE
  ) +
    data = first_obs, 
    show.legend = FALSE
  ) +
  scale_x_reverse(expand = expansion(add = 250)) + 
  scale_y_reverse() +
    cols = vars(Gender)

There are still a few shortcomings here. We have overlap of the labels, which are now a little large. We attempt to fix this, while also adding a call to labs() to properly label the plot.

predictions %>%
      x = F2_50,
      y = F1_50,
      colour = Vowel,
      label = Vowel
  ) +
    arrow = arrow(length = unit(2.5, "mm")), # Make arrows smaller
    show.legend = FALSE
  ) +
    data = first_obs, 
    show.legend = FALSE,
    size = 2.5, # Make labels smaller...
    alpha = 0.7 # ...and slightly transparent.
  ) +
  scale_x_reverse(expand = expansion(add = 200)) + # less expanasion needed.
  scale_y_reverse() +
    cols = vars(Gender)
  ) +
    title = "Vowel Space Change in NZE (yob: 1864-1981)",
    x = "First Formant (Hz)",
    y = "Second Formant (Hz)"

This figure is a good starting point for the kind of smaller adjustments needed to produce a good vowel space visualisation. In your own cases, a lot will depend on the specifics of the models and how much change is being depicted. In this case, it would be nice to make some of these lines a little less messy. Some of the problems here, for instance, the messy lines for start and strut in the male speakers, suggest that our models might be behaving a strangely. This is not a problem for this illustration, but some model criticism would be required in a real research project!


One problem with the static plot is that we can’t see variation in the rate of change (if any exists). Nor can we figure out, for any point on the line (apart from the start and end) which year it represents. This can be fixed with the gganimate package.

We use the gganimate function transition_reveal() at the end of our plot with yob as the variable we animate with. Our geom_label(), the text with the vowel name, will be the main item we animate. The labels will move around the vowel space over time. We change our geom_path() so that it has no arrows and simply traces where the label of the vowel moves.

We add a caption to our labs() in which we reference the gganimate variable frames_along. This allows us to show what year it is. Finally, a call to theme() lets us make this caption larger.

predictions %>%
      x = F2_50,
      y = F1_50,
      colour = Vowel,
      label = Vowel
  ) +
  geom_path(show.legend = FALSE) +
  # NB: our labels just use the predictions dataframe now, so no need for the
  # 'data = ' line.
    show.legend = FALSE,
    size = 2.5, 
    alpha = 0.7 
  ) +
  scale_x_reverse(expand = expansion(add = 200)) + 
  scale_y_reverse() +
    cols = vars(Gender)
  ) +
    title = "Vowel Space Change in NZE (yob: 1864-1981)",
    x = "First Formant (Hz)",
    y = "Second Formant (Hz)",
    caption = 'Year of Birth: {round(frame_along, 0)}' 
  ) +
    plot.caption = element_text(size = 14, hjust = 0)
  ) +
  transition_reveal(along = yob)
`geom_path()`: Each group consists of only one observation.
ℹ Do you need to adjust the group aesthetic?
`geom_path()`: Each group consists of only one observation.
ℹ Do you need to adjust the group aesthetic?
`geom_path()`: Each group consists of only one observation.
ℹ Do you need to adjust the group aesthetic?
`geom_path()`: Each group consists of only one observation.
ℹ Do you need to adjust the group aesthetic?

So there is it: a general structure for fitting models to visualise changes in vowel formants over time, and for plotting them within vowel space diagrams.

As I’ve noted multiple times above, the details will matter at every step in a real research project. Data quality assessment before modelling, sensible model structures, evaluation of model quality, and careful consideration of exactly what needs to be visualised are all necessary.

This is, however, plenty for a blog post!